CM-Cabinets Library User Guide
In This Topic
    Basket Drawer Runners
    In This Topic

    The Form Editor command button for Drawer Runners can be accessed in the Catalog/Drawing Properties on the Hardware > Drawers page.

    When Standard drawers are used, these can be set as Baskets or Bins which will not output the whiteboard parts. This will require appropriate runner tables being set up.

    Basket runner tables can be found in <your CabMaster folder>\Table\DrawerRunners\

    Standard assumes the drawer box (including the sides) is entirely made of board material.

    Basket Runners Properties

    Basket drawer box selection options are basically the same as Standard drawer box except that the Folder location is limited to Blum.

    Accessed from the Hardware > Drawers page  -  Click to Expand

    Accessed from the Hardware > Drawers page  -  Click to Expand

    Edit Buttons

    The Edit buttons allow you to either amend the...


    How to Enable as Basket

    There are two ways to control whether a standard drawer is a basket/bin, from within the Drawer Tables or using the Cabinet option.

    Drawer Tables

    To define baskets via a table you need a column called "StdCat" must have one of the following values.

    Example of a Standard Table with column denoting that this is a basket runner.


    Although still supported columns "Dovetail", "Basket" and "Bin" have been superseded by “StdCat” Column.

    If you use the "Bin" column then this column must have one of the following values.

    • 1=Single Bin
    • 2=Double Bin
    • 4=Quad Bin


    Cabinet Options

    On the Cabinet Details > Drawers page ensure you are using the correct Drawer Runner.

    Standard Blum drawer runner table - Click to Expand

    Standard Blum drawer runner table - Click to Expand

    On the Cabinet Details > General Settings page turn on Bask't option.

    Bask't option turned on  -  Click to Expand

    Bask't option turned on  -  Click to Expand


    See Also